⭐️P6/7 Project⭐️
The P6 and 7 children have been enjoying their Link Project with Boher National School in Co. Tipperary. They have been researching a local legend close to our school that has left a lasting legacy and chose to research the life of the great Cormac Mc Anallen.
Today, the children got the chance to interview Cormac's brother Dónal Mc Anallen, school friend John Paul Mc Geough and team mate Peter Canavan.
The children got a real insight into Cormac's character, achievements and his life.
They got so much from this and we are so grateful to Dónal, John-Paul and Peter for giving of their time and sharing their memories of Cormac.
The children are looking forward to sharing this with their friends in Boher National School and meeting up with them with a trip to Croke Park later on in the term.
Derrylatinee Primary School, 50 Derrylatinee Road, Dungannon, Tyrone, BT70 1PS, Tel: 028 8772 4403